How To Get Started With Anime? (Find Out)

On a global scale, Anime has quickly surpassed other types of animation in popularity. 

The bulk of Anime series have their roots in Manga, which are Japanese comics and graphic novels; the animated versions have the same aesthetic.
The bulk of Anime series have their roots in Manga, which are Japanese comics and graphic novels; the animated versions have the same aesthetic.

When viewing Anime, a short attention span is not a problem because of the intricate storylines, lavish animation, and incredible world-building. 

For those who are inexperienced with the genre, learning to read subtitles is just one small barrier to a whole new world—spanning from more recent to older television programs.

This article will help you to understand Anime and how you can get started with it. 

What is Anime?

A condensed version of the Japanese word “animshon,” which is how the word “animation” is pronounced, “Anime” is simply the term used to describe any type of animation. 

However, in western culture (which includes you if you’re reading this), the term “Anime” has come to refer to a distinctive and specific form of animation that has been around for about a century. 

However, Osamu Tezuka, a cartoonist, established the classic Manga and Anime graphic style in the 1960s. 

His creations had a significant impact on later Japanese animation, giving it a lot of its highly stylized appearance.

The majority of Anime shows were initially adapted from Manga, which are Japanese comics and graphic novels, with the animated versions maintaining the same style. 

Not all Anime storylines, meanwhile, have their origins in Manga; an increasing number of Anime programs are standalone works without a Manga base. 

Additionally, an increasing number of Anime shows are being adapted from “light novels,” or Japanese young adult books. 

In addition, as already mentioned, more and more of these episodic shows are obtaining full-length film adaptations, which frequently act as Anime seasons’ successors.

Where do I start watching Anime for the first time?

There are several options for legally watching Anime. Almost any streaming provider has a huge selection of Anime. 

Thanks to the internet and Anime’s increasing prominence in popular culture, it is now simpler to watch Anime. 

There are currently streaming services that are dedicated to Anime; their costs vary, but they typically cost around the same as other streaming services. 

For those who don’t want to add yet another subscription to their list, several also provide free, ad-supported streaming. 

Of course, you have the choice to purchase a series on Blu-ray or DVD if you prefer to do so. You can watch a variety of titles at your nearby library for free, to your heart’s content.

Moreover, Anime is also available online as well. Here’re a few sites where you can watch Anime:

  • Netflix or Amazon Prime: There is a tonne of new and old Anime content available on these well-known home subscription services.
  • Crunchyroll: In essence, Crunchyroll is Netflix for Anime. Although it is free with adverts, a paid version is also available.
  • Torrent Sites: Even though it is against the law, people nevertheless pirate shows, especially when there are regional restrictions that prevent the content from being streamed.
  • Youtube: Kids can view fan-made films, mashups, fan-made television and movie clips, and more here.
  • RedditThe popular subreddits r/Anime and r/Animemes (memes about Anime) as well as many more for specific TV series and films are where Anime enthusiasts go to discuss their favorite media.
  • Instagram: The hashtag #Anime, which has more than 156 million postings, is particularly well-liked on this photo-sharing website and makes it easy to find fan art and jokes.
My Hero Academia is one of the most popular Anime that you can watch.
My Hero Academia is one of the most popular Anime that you can watch.

What characterizes Anime as a trademark?

It’s challenging to precisely describe what Anime is and isn’t, thus that question is challenging to answer. 

As was already mentioned, Anime is a large field that encompasses a wide range of aesthetics and concepts. 

Despite this, Anime shares a few universal traits that distinguish it from other forms of media.

Enhanced Physical Qualities

The visual aesthetic of Anime characters is its most distinctive feature. The style is characterised by excessively big eyes, especially for younger figures, exaggerated facial motions, and minimally sketched face features, notably noses. 

A single drop of sweat on the forehead to represent tension or embarrassment, red hash marks to represent blushing, or speed lines to represent yelling are all examples of visual shorthand that are frequently employed to portray certain strong emotions.

Common Character Traits

Fortunately, Anime is changing this. However, for a long time, most Anime shows revolved around a dozen or so specific character clichés. The “-dere” character kinds, such as tsundere, mayadere, and undere, stand out in particular for this. 

The stereotype of the hapless damsel in distress and infantilized female characters is gradually changing as more women get interested in Anime and animation, especially as American Anime subverts some of the stereotypes made popular by Anime. 

The same is true for male protagonists, who are moving past obstinate, brash young boys and broken, somber men.

Action Sequences and Fight Scenes

Although not all Anime episodes and films feature battle scenes, those that do frequently employ a variety of camera angles, speed lines, and slow motion. 

Additionally, they frequently use elaborate and complicated weapons and motions that defy the rules of physics while also occasionally having fairly balletic execution. 

Adult-oriented Anime can occasionally be pretty graphic, with a lot of blood and guts. 

The PERFECT Anime Recommendation Guide (Gateway Anime for Beginners)

What Anime series should I start with?

Here’re some options for Anime that you can begin with:

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009)Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is one of the most recognizable and influential Anime series of the last few decades, much like Cowboy Bebop. The two brothers Edward and Alphonse are portrayed in the series as they work to repair the harm that a disastrous ceremony caused to both of them. The series is an excellent choice for someone’s “first Anime” because it features some of the most intense action, captivating characters, and moving episodes in Anime history.
My Hero Academia (2016)One of the most-watched Anime series of the century is My Hero Academia, which is rising swiftly. In the world where the series is set, roughly 80% of people have superpowers or quirks as Anime calls them. This eventually creates a hero/villain society.
Death Note (2006)The classic and profoundly influential series Death Note is ideal for beginners because of its gripping plot. Death Note centers on Yagami Light, a high school student who finds a Death Note at his or her institution. With the use of this book, Yagami is given the authority to execute vigilante justice by killing anyone whose name is entered in the book.
Erased (2016)Erased is one of the underappreciated Anime series of the last ten years, much like Parasyte. The 12-episode drama concerns a 27-year-old man named Satoru Fujinuma, who has the power to “rewind” time in order to prevent tragedies. Satoru, however, flashes back to his early years after a murder bringing back memories of his youth.
Attack On Titan (2013)Because of its outstanding first season, the Anime Attack On Titan is one of the most well-known and is sometimes referred to as the “Game of Thrones” of Anime due to its violent and graphic plot. The television show takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where humanity shelters behind a fortified city to stave off the Titans, enormous beasts that feed on humans.
Anime you can start watching.
Alphonse Elric
One of the most well-known and important Anime series in recent years is Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.


  • Even though Anime is one of the most widely consumed types of entertainment, it may be very challenging for newcomers to the genre to begin watching. 
  • This is because the most well-liked Anime have a tendency to be extremely long—some have over a thousand episodes—and they frequently run alongside in-depth Manga stories.
  • A good introduction to Anime should therefore be reasonably brief (at least at the time of writing), enabling potential fans to easily catch up with the plot without having to undertake the taxing and exhausting chore of watching more than a thousand episodes.

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