How To Get Started With Mob Psycho 100 (Handy Tips)

Ever wished you could become a genuine Ghostbuster? Shigeo Kageyama transforms into that when he learns how to use his unique abilities in Mob Psycho 100. 

Shigeo learns he has psychic abilities and can be more than simply a supporting character when he adopts the moniker Mob

But before he realizes what’s going on, bogus spiritualist and con artist Reigen Arataka has him in. 

Reigen is merely using Mob to con people out of even more money, despite the fact that Mob believes he can teach him. 

Fortunately, the two start to develop a genuine connection that outweighs how they first met, which was morally problematic.

But do not worry if this all sounds absurd to you. Our Mob Psycho 100 beginner’s guide will offer you the genuine scoop on what this franchise is really about and how to get started with it because we are not trying to fool you in that way.

What is Mob Psycho 100 all about?

One-Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100 were both created by the enigmatic ONE. 

Nobody has a clue as to who ONE is, how old they are, where they are from, or even what gender they are. 

As a result, ONE is primarily only known to the world through its internet name and the art they have produced. 

Elite Anime Studio Bones, the production division behind hugely popular shows like My Hero Academia and Soul Eater, is in charge of making the show.

As we hinted at earlier, Mob Psycho 100 follows an aimless teenage high schooler named Mob as he learns to control his incredible psychic abilities and considers what to do with them. 

Along the way, he meets rival psychics, is tricked into joining a false spiritual organization operated by Reigen Arataka, and develops an odd connection with an evil ghost. 

As Mob and Reigen stumble through one mission after another, they find themselves attracted to a spiritual realm that they’re only just beginning to understand, and Mob gradually begins to realize his destiny might be more important than he ever anticipated.

The plot of Mob Psycho 100

But as Mob nears his breaking point, his hidden abilities emerge, putting the audience and readers in a world where nothing is certain.

The universe of Mob Psycho 100 is one where psychics with abilities can use their minds to exterminate troublesome ghosts. 

One of those psychics is Shigeo Kageyama, better known by his stage name Mob, a Japanese term for a background character

Being talented enough to control his abilities in public, Mob chooses to work as Arataka Reigen’s apprentice. 

Mob is unaware that Reigen is a fraud who uses Mob’s abilities to get money, despite his pretense of being an esper.

The only thing Mob wants is to win over his childhood sweetheart and longtime crush Tsubomi Takane. 

When Mob approaches his breaking point, however, his suppressed skills come to the surface, leaving the audience and readers in a world where nothing is guaranteed.

Characters of Mob Psycho 100

The star of Mob Psycho 100 is, of course, Shigeo Kageyama, also known as Mob. 

Before he learns of his skills, he is rather aimless and insecure. But once he gets them, he starts to reveal a side of himself that not even he fully comprehends. 

Reigen Arataka is next. Reigen is essentially a scumbag who deceives others into believing he possesses supernatural abilities. 

Reigen is actually skilled at using deductive reasoning to uncover the mundane causes of occurrences that some people mistake for hauntings. 

Of course, he never tells them the real reason for their issues because if he did, he wouldn’t be able to charge as much.

In addition to Teruki Hanazawa, Mob’s adversary, Ritsu Kageyama, and Ekubo, also known as Dimple, an evil spirit who becomes entangled with Mob after the young boy overcomes him early in the story, are other important characters.

Shigeo Kageyama
Reigen Arataka
Ritsu Kageyama
Teruki Hanazawa
Main characters of Mob Psycho 100.
He begins to expose a part of himself that not even he completely understands once he learns his set of skills.

Where can you read Mob Psycho 100?

Mob Psycho 100, which was created and illustrated by ONE, ran as a serial on Shogakukan’s Ura Sunday webcomic magazine from April 2012 to December 2017. 

The series was collected by Shogakukan into 16 distinct volumes, which were published between 2012 and 2018. 

Beginning in April 2018, Dark Horse Comics began localizing the series in English. 

In Ura Sunday, the first three chapters can be read for free (in Japanese). 

English Nook and Kindle versions are offered via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and numerous other merchants. 

Numerous bookstores, like Right Stuf Anime, Barnes & Noble, and Walmart, carry hard copies of the Manga for readers who prefer to have physical copies on their shelves.

Where can you watch Mob Psycho 100?

You might assume Funimation and Crunchyroll to be the easiest places to locate and watch Mob Psycho 100. 

The first two seasons of the show are available on each platform through both Anime services, but only Crunchyroll will get the third season when it becomes available. 

This is because the majority of new Anime in western markets will now only be available on Crunchyroll, which recently acquired Funimation. 

In some areas, HBO Max also has Mob Psycho 100 available. On the other hand, Netflix commissioned a live-action adaptation of the story back in 2018. 

Check it out if you’re interested. However, if you choose this route, be warned if the program isn’t particularly well-rated, hasn’t had any updates, or hasn’t been renewed since its sole season. 

Last but not least, you may buy a physical copy of Mob Psycho 100 on websites like Amazon or Best Buy.

Additionally, there are services like Apple TV and Amazon Prime Video where you may purchase the show by the episode.

Shigeo Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100.
Shigeo Kageyama’s psychic abilities make him more powerful.

Anime Similar to Mob Psycho 100

One-Punch Man is a simple Anime to suggest after viewing Mob Psycho 100. 

One-Punch Man, which was made by the same person who made this Anime, has this show’s distinct comedy and silly yet interesting world development. 

It also uses the same humorous storytelling device, where a complete nobody discovers their power by accident and becomes the best person on the entire planet. 

Additionally, the visual aesthetic is strikingly similar. Of course, if you’d like a more somber perspective on a narrative of this nature that is also set in Japan, you can view the renowned Anime film Akira or the Manga that served as its inspiration. 

There are numerous psychic mischiefs, but there are also more ghost children and bodily horror. 

Finally, check out the wildly popular Anime series My Hero Academia if you want more of the insane animated action from Bones. 

The series also periodically puts its heroes in increasingly complicated situations while maintaining a similar mix between comedy and action. The series is also produced by Bones, just like Mob Psycho 100.

You can also check out this video for more details.

Why watch Mob Psycho 100?


  • Unconventional Manga artist The story of Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama, an ordinary eighth-grader with amazing psychic abilities, is told in ONE’s Mob Psycho 100.
  • Mob Psycho 100 doesn’t look all that different from its competitors as a traditional shonen-style story with a somewhat stronger protagonist. 
  • When the real action begins, readers and spectators quickly discover that this is really another parody, much like ONE’s earlier excellent work with One-Punch Man.
  • While defying the rules of the most well-known Anime genre, this series manages to retain its beauty and attractiveness.

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