One Piece: All About Admiral Green Bull

The World Government and the Navy in One Piece are known for having the strongest military force in the Admirals. 

These characters are feared all across the world and a great threat to any pirate since they have amazing powers, such as outstanding control of Haki and powerful devil fruit abilities. 

They had three members in their ranks prior to the time skip: Borsalino, also known as Kizaru, Sakazuki, also known as Akainu, Kuzan, also known as Aokiji.

Two places in the Marines became available for the Admirals after the Paramount War as a result of a significant change in power. 

Fujitora took one, but Ryokugyu, also known as Green Bull, who has remained a mystery for most of the story, took the other. 

However, fans were able to see what he is capable of throughout the Wano Country arc.

Ryokugyu is also known as Green Bull
Ryokugyu is also known as Green Bull

What is One Piece?

Eiichiro Oda wrote and sketched the Japanese comic series One Piece. Since July 1997, it has been serialized in Shueisha’s shnen manga magazine Weekly Shnen Jump, with individual chapters bundled into 105 tankbon volumes as of March 2023.

Monkey D. Luffy, a youngster whose body got the differentiae of rubber after mistakenly eating a Devil Fruit, is the protagonist of the novel. Luffy surveys the Grand Line with his pirate crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, in hunt of the late King of the Pirates Gol D. Roger’s ultimate prize, comprehended as the “One Piece,” in order to become the next King of the Pirates.

The manga inspired a media franchise since it was turned into a festival film by Production I.G and an anime series by Toei Animation, which debuted in 1999. Toei has also created 14 animated feature films, one original video animation, and thirteen television specials. Numerous companies have created merchandising and media, such as trading card games and multiple video games.

Who are the Admirals?

Admiral is the second highest rank in the Marine Corps, ranking above vice admiral but below fleet admiral.

There are only three admirals serving at any given time, and they are among the most powerful characters in the series due to their Devil Fruit powers and standing as the greatest Marine officers.

The admirals have been crowned the World Government’s “Greatest Military Powers,” since they are not only the most powerful active Marine commanders (apart from the fleet admiral) but also the most powerful individual fighters inside the entire governmental organization. As a result, the entire world respects and fears the three guys.

What Does Admiral Green Look Like?

Admiral Green is a strong-built man with neck-length, thick, untamed dark hair. 

Given that he resembled fellow admiral Fujitora, who is 2.7 meters tall, he must be quite tall. He has a slightly prominent nose, lips, light goatee, and sideburns; he has also been pictured smoking a cigarette.

Admiral Green has a noticeable kanji tattoo that runs down the left side of his chest because he is not wearing a shirt. 

He is dressed in dark-colored slacks with light flower patterns on the left leg and some little tears in the right leg. 

He also has a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes and the customary Marine cloak covering his otherwise bare back.

How powerful is Admiral Green?

The first mention of Green Bull’s devil fruit abilities was during the reverie storyline. Green Bull confided to Fujitora that he hadn’t eaten for three years. 

This claim seemed very strange considering how crucial food is, especially for the superhumans that inhabit the One Piece universe. 

However, this assertion would be absurd if one relied solely on sunshine for nutrition. Fans quickly realized that Green Bull might possess a devil fruit power derived from plants.

After Big Mom and Kaido were defeated in One Piece’s Wano Country arc, Green Bull arrived in Wano and gave fans their first look at his abilities. 

Green Bull was observed soaring over the skies of Wano while sprouting a huge flower from his back in an effort to enter the nation.

It is therefore established that he consumes devil fruit made from plants of the Paramecia species. 

Although the devil fruit’s precise name is not yet known, its abilities have already been observed. 

According to his most recent demonstration, Green Bull’s devil fruit gives him the power to grow plants and control them any way he pleases. 

These plants give him the ability to suffocate his adversaries in a way that even some of the most powerful figures, like King and Queen of the Beasts Pirates, are unable to escape.

In addition, Green Bull has the ability to grow root-like extensions from his body that he may use to puncture an opponent and absorb all of their moisture, leaving them only a shell of what they once were. 

This was seen in his encounter with the King and Queen in Udon, where he swiftly defeated the Commanders despite the fact that both were already wounded. 

Additionally, Green Bull appears to have the power to completely alter the landscape. 

With the aid of his talents, Udon, a desolate wasteland, was quickly transformed into a verdant, lush forest. 

The moment Green Bull steps outside, he is immediately enveloped in foliage of some kind.

His ability to affect his surroundings could be a standard devil fruit power, but it’s also possible that his fruit has become Awakened.

Green Bull is undoubtedly a very skilled user of Haki in addition to having a powerful devil fruit. Everyone in the One Piece universe possesses the power of haki, but only a select few are able to use it.

Having stated that, it was already known that every Marine with Vice-Admiral or higher rank has the capacity to wield Haki. 

As a result, Green Bull is at the very least an extremely proficient user of both Armament and Observation Haki. 

Since all the Admirals were seen employing Ryuo prior to the time skip, he wouldn’t find it all that strange. 

As shown in One Piece chapter 1053, it’s interesting to note that Green Bull likewise wears a sword around his waist. 

Although he did not use his sword at all during his battle with the pirates at Udon, he does seem to be a competent swordsman.

This is implied by the fact that his sword looks to have a black blade, which is quite unusual in the One Piece universe. 

Only Dracule Mihawk and Shimotsuki Ryuma, two other characters, have darkened their swords thus far.

Although it is unknown whether he actually owns a black blade or not, as an admiral of the Navy, he would be competent in its use in either case. 

The sophistication of his Armament Haki would also be demonstrated by the fact that his blade is black if that is the case. 

It is not surprising that Doflamingo referred to Green Bull as a monster given his ability to defeat two of the Yonko Commanders and his confidence to engage even a Yonko like Luffy in combat.

One of the main powers of Admiral Green Bull is Devil Fruit.
One of the main powers of Admiral Green Bull is Devil Fruit.

Is Green Bull Zoro’s Dad?

There are innumerable fan theories that constantly surface in a series with the longevity like One Piece. 

One often discussed theory—though not all of them succeed—is that the admiral “Green Bull” Ryokugyu is really Shimotsuki Ushimaru, a legendary samurai from Wano. 

In accordance with this belief, Ryokugyu is truly Zoro’s father.

There is a tonne of information that supports the theory that Ushimaru is Zoro’s father and somehow evolved into an admiral who serves the Marines, even though not all fan ideas are supported by data. 

Ushimaru made his or her One Piece chapter 903 debut shortly after Admiral Ryokugyu. As it stands, Shimotsuki Ushimaru, is a direct descendant of the “Sword God” Shimotsuki Ryuma, a powerful Daimyo in Wano’s history. 

Ushimaru was imprisoned alongside the other daimyo and Yamato following his defeat at the hands of Kaido, Orochi, and the Beast Pirates, but quickly engineered an escape and was only assumed to be dead after this.

Ushimaru’s crest, however, is the key piece of evidence connecting Ryokugyu to Ushimari. A bull has been engraved onto Ushimaru’s garments. 

The fact that Ushimari is named after a bull and Admiral Ryokugyu is known as the “Green Bull” is additional proof. 

There is very strong evidence that Zoro is a member of the Shimotsuki family, and his primary color scheme throughout the series has consistently been green.

In the upcoming chapters, some clarity on this well-liked fan theory, revealing whether or not he is indeed Shimotsuki Ushimaru, may be provided by Ryokugyu’s arrival in Wano. 

Whatever the case may be, One Piece fans are already eager to discover more about this enigmatic admiral and his connections to Wano and perhaps Zoro’s homeland.

Everything we know about Admiral Green Bull | One Piece

Members of Admirals

ZephyrZephyr is the only Marine who doesn’t have access to the very potent devil fruit, which almost all of the Marines do. He had no devil fruit of any type; instead, he just used his Haki. It’s reasonable to suppose that Zephyr’s Haki was superior to the other Marine Admirals on some level.
RyokugyuAlthough Ryokugyu’s skills are still unclear, fans can anticipate that the Navy Admiral will possess an extremely potent Devil Fruit. His ability to battle and carry out all the other tasks that a regular person does while going without food for three years is by far his greatest accomplishment.
FujitoraFujitora has been in numerous significant bouts ever since he first appeared. At Dressrosa, he engaged in combat with the Jack of the Beasts Pirates and the Revolutionary Army’s Chief-of-Staff. The Revolutionary Army members and Fujitora were once more involved during the Levely storyline. The fact that he accepted responsibility for the Marines at Dressrosa stupidity is his most notable accomplishment.
AokijiAokiji has fought a lot so far, but his appearances on television have decreased ever since he left the Marines. The Marines’ rescue from certain death at Marineford is Aokiji’s finest accomplishment. Whitebeard’s seaquakes would have killed most of the Marine soldiers without his Hie Hie no Mi.
KizaruKizaru is widely regarded as the most powerful Marine Admiral, largely because of his Pika Pika no Mi. Few characters can equal Kizaru’s speed, and his skills make him a fearsome foe. His cavalier disregard for Ben Beckman’s warning and attack on Law’s spacecraft was his most amazing accomplishment.
AkainuOne of One Piece’s most despised characters is Akainu. He is to blame for the murder of countless innocent individuals. While his battle with Whitebeard stands out, Akainu’s greatest accomplishment is taking on all of the Whitebeard Pirates’ captains. Few characters possess the bravery to square off against the Whitebeard Pirates’ biggest names.
SengokuEven though Sengoku does not now own a position of a major power, he is nonetheless one of the most powerful characters in One Piece. Even the Pirate King acknowledged Sengoku’s might, which is by no means an ordinary feat.
Members of Admirals.


  • The Admirals are immensely strong combatants who serve the Navy and are regarded as some of One Piece’s strongest characters. 
  • The Admirals were originally introduced during the Long Ring Long Land arc with Aokiji, and it was shown that they were a threat with abilities that could even compete with the mightiest pirates. 
  • As time went on, the fans learned about more and more of their ranks. Admiral Kizaru made his first appearance during the Sabaody Archipelago arc, where he effortlessly destroyed the 11 Supernovas.
  • Admiral Akainu, the last and most powerful character, was finally unveiled to the public during the Paramount War.
  • Since the Admirals are the World Government’s premier military force, they are required to always have some of the most formidable individuals in their midst.
  • However, Aokiji’s departure from the Navy and Akainu’s promotion to Fleet Admiral meant that there were two significant gaps left after the Paramount War.
  • Fujitora and Green Bull were the two new admirals selected as a result of a World Military Draft. 
  • Fujitora received a great deal of fan attention throughout the Dressrosa arc, while Green Bull was a mystery until the very end of the Wano Country arc. But at last, the public is aware of a good deal about him and his abilities.

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